Minumerolocal, LLC Apps

Minumerolocal 1.379
Minumerolocal (MNL) brings you Long Distance Calling with TopQuality at the Best Prices! Get connected all over the world easilyand Pin-Free. Register or access your MNL account instantly, addfunds and you are ready to start talking to family and friends.Features: • Have a Direct/Local number for all your contacts - Nomore dialing all the long distance numbers, a Direct Dial will makeyou feel like you are talking within the US. • Low cost calls tomobile and landlines - Contact your loved ones anytime, anywhereeven if they are not using MNL App. • International SMS - Feel likesending a quick text to anyone special? No problem, send daily,international SMS at your convenience. • Call History access -Hassle-free access to your call history, helps you stay in controlof your account. • International Cell TOPUP - Adding funds to theircellphones worldwide is at your fingertips whenever you want to. •Nauta Access Accounts Top Up. • Available Customer Service - Havequestions regarding the services or your account? Contact us viachat online or by calling 305-500-2304. Learn more about MNL at:www.minumerolocal.com